
It is very common in peoples' life , everyday movements to create their own history through centuries. We are interested in researching hair/ hairbrushing not only as a physiological phenomenon, but also as a social one. Hair is an object of intense elaboration and preoccupation in almost all societies.
Hair is so simple but it is so fundamental. In the old times the dressing of women's hair was only acceptable if performed by other women and in a bedroom. From the other side man to touch them in a public place was unthinkable.
Through this interactive performance we would like to challenge the intimacy of the viewers and of ourselves by letting people participate in this act of hairbrushing as viewers and even let them get involved by touching our hair creating a more complex situation of viewers watching viewers doing something on us and as a result creating different feelings for everybody depending their level of engagement. A question to be researched "How nowadays brushing someone else's hair can inspire a sense of breathless intimacy ?".
Furthermore, we often see our hair as a reflection of our identity because it is both personal and public.
This deep personal relationship between hair and self-esteem is evident throughout history, philosophy and even religion.
For centuries, women have been able to play different roles by changing different hairstyles, and from their stories, we can see that hair contributes greatly to women’s self-esteem, actions and motives.
Athens Video Dance Project AVDP 2019, Athens, Greece
18-20 January 2019
Idea: Nikoleta Koutitsa
Performers: Karolina Theleriti and Nikoleta Koutitsa
With the support of the School of Fine Arts in Athens, Greece